Last updated: May. 3, 2019
Hello user, Welcome to the quick tutorial of Podcasted.
**Add a podcast: **There are four ways you can add your podcast. The first is simply search and enter a podcast, then click star button. The second is directly paste rss url of the podcast, then the app will directly open the podcast you provided. Thirdly you can upload the favorite list on other devices at Podcasted by OneDrive, download the list back from OneDrvie. Last but not least, you can import OPML files generated by other apps or Podcasted on another device with one click.
Resume Play: The app will save the current episode playing progress when it is being closed. And when you open the app next time on any device with the same account logged in, it’ll continue playing from the recorded time. You may turn this feature off in Settings. (*Xbox won’t sync between pc and mobile)
Sync: Currently the app sync the favorite podcasts and played progression via OneDrive. The app can only manipulate the folder created by it, so you may be feel privacy-free with the app. Entire sync progress is handled by yourself manually. We know it’s dumb right now, but it’s a way to prevent your progress been overrided right now. In future we will implement more smart way to sync your progress.
Premium: Currently free version provide 5 podcasts subscription with ads in it. Premium will be ads-free and no limitation of podcasts subscription. You need only pay one time on all your Windows/Xbox devices as long as you sign into the same account.
Shortcuts: Both PC and Xbox version support shortcuts. For **PC **version: Ctrl + W to quit the app; Ctrl + T to enter compact overlay mode; Ctrl + P to play or pause current playing; Ctrl + F to call search; Ctrl + S to enter Settings page; Ctrl + M to mute or unmute sound. For **Xbox **version: Y to call search; X to focus on the play button; View button to open episode detail window.
**Future: **We are expecting at least one time update every month to bring new features to Podcasted. Right now it is just finished basic function of it which brings you immerse into the design of the app. Here is some parts of future planned feature list:
Notification for new episodes
Skip at the beginning of the episode
We are excited to have you along with the journey in our development cycle, and expecting to bring more awesomeness in future. Take care.